Black Algae Treatment

Black Algae Treatment

    • $360.00
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Service includes: backwash filter, silver algaecide and heavy shock - 10lbs cal hypo. Brushing on spots where algae is present. 

Black algae, also known as cyanobacteria, is a single-celled organism that can grow in fresh and salt water. It can appear as spots that range in size from a pinhead to a quarter and can look and feel like tar. Black algae can form in cracks and crevices on pool surfaces, especially plaster finishes. It can be difficult to treat because it contains compounds that mask its green color and is somewhat resistant to normal chlorine levels. 

We recommend removing all items from the pool during treatment, wash bathing suits in hot water and detergent, keep cleaning robot in the pool during treatment. Treatment should be noticeable in 24 hours. Pre-existing black algae may take two visits to remove. Black algae is a re-occuring event for most pools. In order to prevent, keep the chlorine residuals high and filtration at its max.

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